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How to say GOOD and BAD in various languages

How many ways of spelling GOOD and BAD might there be, and how many different meanings from all around the world?
Thousands surely, or enough to fill up your traveller's phrase-book at least—a pocket-size bible, more likely, if you include the individual opinion of each person you meet. For the interpretation of anything depends on who does the talking, and the story goes changing anytime you turn around, even if you speak the same language. In short, there may well be a different optic for each thinking person on the planet—plus a couple billion variables, for those who think twice about things on some days.
What would such diversity prove, in the bigger picture?
For instance it could mean that life is a hopeless a jungle of meanings, and in turn that would explain why we never seem to agree on the least issue.

Does it really come to this much though, or is the sheer variety of meanings an illusion of the misunderstanding we experience all day long, starting first thing in the morning?
Might this perpetual communication breakdown be in some way related to the biblical episode of Babel, one wonders

#1 The BABEL Progression
Is the problem of living in a jungle of meanings somehow related to the biblical confusion of Babel—or might the ancient testament prove too much of an allegory for our down to earth sense of reality? Could a myth work as good as a hard fact, anyway?
The answer is a big YES.
Indeed, there is an uncanny resemblance between the original story of Babel and the predicament we're in.
The events described in
Genesis 10:10 and 11:9 may be partly true and the rest lost in translation, yet they seem to fit the pattern of history quite accurately, as though time hadn't moved actually. As far as this goes it makes no difference whether these events took place, the only question that's left is why we're still at the same point of multicultural confusion, despite much wonderful progress we may call our own?—or, if we have indeed moved on from this old problem, when did that happen?
Is it easier to agree on anything now that we are in the computer age of instant communication, where you can make an immediate act of presence without appearing anywhere?
Is it even possible to agree without understanding the same thing, come to think of it?

Incidentally, would there be as many variants for most words, or is it that those two are more important than most? And are the variant views mostly conflicting, or merely divergent due to climate and country?
Is the notion of GOOD and BAD a point of universal conflict, because it is an everyday imperative for some, and only a part-time obligation for others?
Either way, is it a
good thing if everyone has a different standpoint, as in Variety is the spice of life, or is the old saying the more the merrier something we all say but no one believes?
It is true that so much variety on your plate could spoil your lunch, just to think of it.

Fortunately, there may not be as many versions of the same fact as it seems. One way to find out is to compare the etymology (spelling and intended meaning) of these two hot words in various dialects. This will be available when we come back.
Meanwhile check #2 to see how etymology works.

#2 What's ETYMOLOGY and what can it do for you?
Etymology looks at the meaning of a word based on its original sub-structure, and the meaning is then arrived at by re-assembling the spareparts. For example etymology itself breaks into two Greek words ETYMON which refers to the true original content of a thing, and LOGOS which begets logy, meaning knowledge in general and also a particular branch of science or domain of study, as in biology and radiology. So etymology would be a study in the realm of language, especially aimed at tracking down the historical origin of words and how the meaning has evolved by adaptation

And there remains the question of at what point does variety become a nuisance?
Is it true that most of us would rather have more of a diversity than too little implications in a big world?

To be continued...

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Author: René Blundo
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Last update: 4 January 2012
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