
Celex, Predictions by the Stars

The 2008-2024 Pluto-CAPRICORN Forecast

Forecast highlights

Pluto will be going thru Capricorn for a 16-year period ending in 2024, continuously except for a few months break in 2023, which seems so far away as to be unworldly—no doubt it's that the unknown of futuristic times ahead is as scary as it is tantalising, and it feels somewhat safer to hold back as long as we can than get on with the 21stCentury as soon as possible; more likely, we're still projecting figures based on hard facts we know, and have yet to be acquainted with futuristic thinking proper.
It has to be realised that psychological security and sociological progress can be so incompatible as to be detrimental to each other.
In any era exploration remains a prime option, even when survival is under threat. Actually an advanced civilisation is at liberty to keep expanding beyond the confines of rational security, while being threatened left, right and centre. On the contrary, early man could only respond to a threat by retaliating or running away.
In a society where technology has imposed itself and science is running the show, the real danger for us would be to complacently stay behind enemy lines, and condescendingly wait for the future to come and get us.
This new century will have little patience with the
come and get me attitude, and decreasing tolerance for those who encourage it.

gold bullett Club version sample


gold line

More CELEX links:

The 1998-2012 Saturn-LIBRA Forecast


Author: René Blundo
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Last update: 22 November 2011
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