
cliche checker

How to write & spell Cliche

Cliche is from French cliché. The accent is optional in English, but in France you must always put the é at the end, because cliche does not means anything in French—nor in English, for that matter. As to what the word means either way, the origins are uncertain or forgotten.
Origin and meaning of Cliche

The English often write cliche but always say it the French way, that is, cleeshey. Here is a breakdown of the word so you’ll never be in doubt again.

The French say
é as ey or ay—a short Hey is best, but not Hi
Say the li as Bruce Lee, not lie
Say lich as leesh or leash, not leech
Then clich comes out as cleash, not clash
Altogether say cleashey, not clashey.

This spelling of cliche-cliché will work anywhere for you, however you write the word.

Don’t feel embarassed if you spell it wrong, even in a situation where spelling is of the essence; that word carries a magic all its own, just saying it is a sign of confidence...

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