Individual Keys for Prosperity
In this text, the words Sign, Starsign, Birth Sign, Zodiacal Sign or
Sunsign all mean the same thing.
Your Starsign is a map with indications for
you. These guidelines remain
valid, throughout. Each sign also has a set of
qualities. To compare any two Starsigns is akin to comparing a
trip to Singapore and a weekend at home: you enjoy each for what
it is.
Your birth sign is a beacon for you,
a road map—most invaluable, therefore,
even if the qualities of the other Signs impress you more, or if
you think you have less going for yourself. If you get a
better grasp on
your inner assets, life begins for you each new day. If you
only try to
understand your gifts, what you have got going for yourself,
the trying itself will do it for you, the trying will surely do the
Your birth sign—whichever of the 12 it be—yields a lot more virtues, skills
& prospects than anyone may use in a lifetime!
This is a privilege—apart from
being a bonus.
A road-map can mean a lot, just for being
• Now, to understand your
The Polarity of your sign
• Out of the 12 signs, 6 are Positive and 6
In astrology, the
positive refers to an arrow
in relation to a
target, being the negative
factor. None of this has anything to do
with good or bad. Cosmic
symbolism stays clear of excessive
moralising, unless it is practiced in the backyard.
• The arrow would go on endlessly
without that target.
The Big Bang was an arrow. Obviously, this
object symbolises projection—and
almost better than anything else, guns & missiles,
• If the Negative were
a negative bad thing, God's Creation would have hit a blank in
One wonders how many of our missiles might
boomerang back on us, for lack
of a negative factor somewhere out
there, trying to absorb our follies...
6 Positive Signs
These are listed below, each preceded by
an odd digit, as per normal zodiacal sequence, as usual Aries 1,
Taurus 2. Gemini 3. etc....
1 Aries [1st sign]
3 Gemini [3rd sign]
5 Leo
7 Libra
11 Aquarius
If your Sunsign is one of
Being self-assertive & being aggressive are only similar propositions, in most events.
As a Positive Sunsign you tend to
do both a lot, you enjoy the directness, you
prefer it when people are frankly sincere, if they must say a
criticism, rather than politely putting pressure on the
environment by not speaking up. Basically, you need to feel an
openness about you —more so
than being out into the open,
Very often, if you read your astrological profile in various
reviews, these distinctions
fail to be made, or stressed— and it is quite
essential to stress the point,
because it is all too easy to mistake
what we think it's better to do, and what
amounts to a very general description of what one is.
If you are an odd numbered sign,
you will be usually portrayed as an aggressive person, outgoing, physical
rather than intellectual, impatient, swift—if you are lucky
enough to read a sophisticated word as swift, about yourself...
These fast-paced profiles may not be all wrong, but the fact
remains: you have to live with it, you go through your circumstances
from dawn to dusk, you meet people, you travel about, you look
after children, a household, make decisions, select your
options—and at the end of the
day, one only ever acts according as one thinks one
• Lately, an
office-worker sued her employers because they had failed to tell
another lady to stop wearing a particular perfume, to which the
litigant was allergic.
This is one of countless examples of the kind. The allergic lady
was gracious enough to wait for a time, then pressed charges.
Why press charges for such a
Reverse the question: Why shouldn't I press
charges, if I'm in my right??
This last question defines a global tendency to be self-assertive. It can
become utterly ridiculous, if one acts it for the sake of
There are 1001 variations on this word as
with any other. However, this is one of the Positive
Keywords—a top priority in your Sunsign agenda.
For better results for you, overall,
think again about a whole series of related
words, such as, self-esteem, self-confidence, etc. All these are
central to you, as a positive Starsign.
• Many example-situations show at the movies.
Perhaps most movies are based on using aggression at the wrong
time, then regretting it, and then becoming a smoother person and
finding love, then. But one never sees it enough!
• Someone is a survivor on an island.
It takes weeks for that person—and most survivors—to
acknowledge that being forceful is out of place.
See 15 episodes or 6 months of it—it all has to do with the
rage, how to deal with the anger, when to come to terms with it,
when to begin addressing it, more likely.
As a positive Sunsign, you gain by not assuming that being self-assertive and aggressive are the same,
and by not believing too
quickly that being either or both is a
guarantee of being positive-minded.
6 Negative Signs
Even numbers in the order of Signs:
2 Taurus [2nd sign]
4 Cancer
6 Virgo
8 Scorpio
10 Capricorn
12 Pisces last sign)
If You were born into one of these:
• Develop your potential as a facilitator.
This is essential to you for a happy success.
However, the most
difficult aspect of being a facilitator is to find a channel that
is just right for you to operate through. On the contrary, being a
negotiator is a lot more difficult—the job itself is, in
general, but there are not so many options to choose from at the
• Facilitating means making things easy for people. No one says that; it
isn't done, somehow...
Making an operation go smoother, enabling action, intervening to
keep order, maintaining situation in a state of safety,
etc—the options are infinite!
If you are an even-numbered
Starsign, you must be looking for an
option to begin doing this professionally; or you may already
have such a job, but wish to operate from a different channel,
still in the same functions as a facilitator; or you may have
difficulties at home or at the office, and would like very much
to improve this skill.
• Some of these guidelines may prove
First, being a negative Sunsign
means that you feel a deep desire to
help. At this time you may have your own needs—but even so,
you are alert to someone being more in need than yourself! You
can't be selfish even when you are upset. You enjoy what you can
get for yourself, but soon you must share it. You like yourself
most when able to transcend any aspect of selfish or petty
The need to help make things better for
people is deep in you, but often enough you feel it on your
For better results, to get started as a helper, or to improve in this line of
work, you could think again about what it means to be nice, kind,
compassionate, charitable; think again, in case all these are but
one word. And if they have also become casual, then this is where
you should start from!
As an example, it is essential to see
a fine line between doing something
nice for someone, yet remaining firm, impartial, impersonal.
Another vital point: you may be a good facilitator at work and have a hard time
at home, or within yourself. If this is the case, all the more
reasons why you should review the above words.
• Taking a look at what goes on
everywhere, obviously a lot of people are capable of kindness;
yet, there are so many cases of blatant unfairness.
A family is in grief over the loss of a boy,
barely 14. Yet, those who have caused this tragedy are given a
second chance, because they, too, are young.
Compassion, helping, being kind, these are very
difficult actions—the decisions often are
The advice, therefore, is to keep helping
out as good as one can, but also be prepared in case one of these
very difficult decisions comes one's way.
Club version sample
More Starsign Links:
Cardinal Star Signs
Fixed Star Signs
Mutable Star Signs
The 6
Negative Starsigns
The 5 Keys to Your
Your Star Sign Ruling Planet |