
World Predictions by the Stars

The 1995 to Nov 2008 Pluto in Sagittarius Forecast

This practical memo is a summary of highlights, based on the 250-year rare lineup. The original text runs in excess of 80 pages, and breaks into several individual reports, each with a different focus. What you are about to read can only be a condensed sample, to direct your attention to salient features. As always our writings provide practical guidelines for personal use, but are also meant for wider application, including corporate strategies, and beyond.

A rare celestial message

Far away Pluto came back to Sagittarius in January 1995, for the first time since 1762. The controversial planet is due to leave the taboo star sign in November 2008 — not to return until 2250, so slow it moves. pluto
Whatever it all means, we have until Christmas 2008 to make sense of it.
(See Data supplement in right column)

Pluto is a prime recycling agent while Sagittarius involves every essential process whereby a higher functioning of mind is enabled. The combination suggests a fairly urgent need to go back to the root of what makes us a civilisation, rather than a decent society.

sagittarius archer

It's not what progress can do against ignorance, it's what we can do for progress.
Homage to JFK

This lineup tends to return when a civilisation is progressing very fast and people can understand it later...

Pluto's 250-year cycle is useful when you are trying to sketch a sociological portrait of an era. Synthesis is the most difficult function to operate in the human consciousness.
Synthesis, the dreaded word...

There is no way of summarising history as we review the year bygone.
The year in hindsight...

The purpose of sociology is to define the issues of our times.
Whether it's at home or in Afganistan, it is futile to look for a solution when we hardly know what to call the problem. Calling a giraffe a giraffe, just because Adam had to think of a name in a hurry, would work just fine for everyone—if anyone could remember the sound of universal language.

To put this lineup into historical perspective:
The last time it happened—from 1748 to 1762—people were busy making really beautiful guns in great quantities. For the war business was as lucrative as always—the only way to get into any kind of business, or just about. And then, of course, you had the old superstitions of victory, which meant that you had to have a strong army in order to win a war.

In short, being progressive consisted in producing more as quickly as possible, to make sure you had a strong enough army. Nor could anyone be part of a conflict, just like that. Having an axe to grind wasn't enough—you had to show capacity to produce beautiful weapons, as well as many of them. There was a traditional logic to it: each piece of artillery had to be artistically crafted, so you might lose the battle and still make a quid—open a museum, or something.
You could lose the war, the time it took your soldiers to drag all that heavy artillery into position.
The 1748-1762 Pluto Return...

This same epochal lineup came back in 1995, just as we were turning into a multicultural civilisation, which hadn't happened since Babel.

Comparatively, we are about to land on Mars without the faintest idea how to say,
I love you, in any kind of language. We all know how to say I love you— and it works just fine, on the basis that if you make someone happy, the kind of joy you give has to be claimable as a medical benefit.
The Nature of an Orgasm...

Now love is an obligation and happiness an entitlement. We even expect the State to provide spiritual enlightenment as due compensation for social stress.

Paradise is not an enforcement of happiness.
Athanor Distillations.

We are moving 21st Century strategies, with much greater ease but still with the same general attitude to victory, which often serve old ideological enemies to rise from their ashes.
sagittarius archer
In a developed society, Pluto in Sagittarius suggests caution where a conditioning of the human mind at large is apt to reinforce contrary ideals.

The freedom we have achieved against oppressive regimes must remain a central reference at any rate. But we have used this precious liberty to keep making one claim after another. We have turned modern living into a whole system of compensation benefits.

There can never be an end to tantrums on that basis.

IF that were anywhere near as true as it seems, then it's only fair to say that mental communism is leading the 21st Century, and the next best rivals are lagging about a thousand miles behind. We are running that race with blinkers, you could say.
The purpose of psychology is to provide guidelines for addressing an issue. Addressing any issue is heavyduty business, for two reasons:
(1) We are stuck in a self-centred view of history.
(2) No one ever agrees as to what to make of the Big Picture (see notes in right column).

Pluto in Sagittarius suggests we stop fussing over peace-talks and start reconsidering what we think we understand as to how a human mind functions—and just what practical difference can that make to how we run our affairs.

It may be time to realise that we are people, because we have a mind.

We keep running into multicultural problems for thinking all alike, rather than because our minds are different!
A la Volterienne

It's not what the society can do for you. You do something for the world each time you contribute a personal opinion with some fresh feeling of your own.
Homage to JFK

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Data Supplement
Pluto stays over a decade in each star sign, returning to the same sign 250 years later and no sooner. Last time in Sagittarius: 1748-1762
Earlier: 1502-1516

Keywords for PLUTO:
Abysmal, works in obscure ways (underground, inner planes, X-Ray, radio, subconscious activity) Superphysical potentialities, latent faculties, untapped resources Recycling processes, transmutation
The Pluto Effect (next update)

Keywords for SAGITTARIUS:
Travel, explore, transcend, odyssey, Taboo, Higher learning, doctorate, doctrine, creed Intuition, ESP, telepathy, dreams and anxiety. Verdict, jury, umpire, fairplay

Life is a mess only in that we keep flirting with the Supernatural.
Athanor Distillations

Predictions, prophecies, projecting figures, etc. Assessment of rare planetary cycles and lineups is a choice tool for worldwide prediction-making. Not that they quite hand out readymade answers.

You can't project figures from wonderland into yonder, just because we are on a rollercoaster...

Prophecy tends to work better if you have some idea of the times we live in.
One for Nostra

You won't get two miles into futuristic predictions if you can't tell the times you live in from the rest of history.
How Nostradamus did it...

Is the Big Picture just a figure of speech? Those who get paid to think in global terms all day long won't mind telling you how they love their job—if they could get started.
How Einstein did it...

Left to its own device, a regular ego will turn anything into a personal proof of self-significance and any social reality into a national cult, if possible.

Ironically, the ego is scared of its own individual greatness, most of all.

The greatest fear is to realise that we have a greatness in ourselves.
We push the idea of it away with shovels whenever we see it, so scary it is.
Better, self-esteem consists in finding positive excuses to deny ourselves any personal merit that might deviate from fashionable worth.

NATIONAL PRESTIGE works along similar lines:
The Nation does not allow itself to have its own typical sense of grandeur, for fear of looking like some multicultural fool, all of a sudden...

We just don't know how to sell the beauty in our own culture.
Homage to Bruce Lee

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More Futurology Links:

The 2004-2011 Uranus in Pisces Lineup Forecast

The 1998-2012 Neptune in Aquarius Forecast

The Reagan Eclipses

The 2008 Saturn-Virgo Forecast


Author: René Blundo
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Last update: 3 February 2007
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