
World Predictions by the Stars

The 2004-2011 Uranus in Pisces Lineup Forecast

Uranus goes through Pisces every 84 years for a 7-year stay, this time from 2004 to 2011. These are relatively rare lineup series, therefore, best treated with a modicum of consideration for the unique celestial messages they bring us once in a lifetime. Some of these messages may prove of moment to You, for this reason. Another way of saying it is that what you are about to read may change your life, if only because the clues are so rare to come by.
There is no final way of summarising a 7-year forecast in definitive terms to end all questions, we can merely contribute guidelines as to how these lineups work and what to expect from them.

Conform to astrological practice, these guidelines remain relevant thru the 2004-2011 period and apply to everyone in general, albeit with individual variants.

Our lineup reports are carefully compiled in a spirit of offering practical service. To achieve this we avoid loose clichés and mystification you can do without. As a matter of fact, Pisces is loose and mystifying to an extreme and Uranus adamantly opposed to all that folklore, so we are going to be busy sorting out these two tendencies for 7 years until 2011. The guidelines presented here are especially meant to be useful in that regard. But some of it is bound to prove exceptionally significant to you, if only in that these lineups represent a once in a lifetime opportunity to take a difficult step, and not least as Uranus is the premier planet of change-the transformer we call it-and will positively assist you in the process of making your life the most important business you will ever get into.

pisces Pisces releases some of the most negative energies under the sun. Powerful, long-lasting lineups involving this starsign are best approached in a positive mindframe, avoiding to play with bad habits on a regular basis. Don't be lazy as a way of life during this period. Fight indolence by turning to rational objectivity whenever you fall into a state of lethargy.

Positive Uranus dynamics are a natural antidote for negative Pisces trends. The exact reverse applies, however.
Uranus will have you run a rational agenda to an excess, to a point of dismissing the beauty of simplicity as a superfluous consideration. This explains why Uranus is the planet of Utopia and why Pisces remains the most sensible starsign, despite a reputation for being the biggest dreamer of all.

How to use the clues in this text, how to capitalise on any passing realisation, much depends on what you make of it, in the first place.

Much depends on how each person reacts to an opportunity, if you can recognise an opportunity when you see one, in the first place.

There is no final definition for Luck. We call it Plain Luck because there is no other way of saying it once it happens.

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Author: René Blundo
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Last update: 22 June 2008
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